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1946 westinghouse electric nuclear

World Within the Atom by DR L.W. Chubb Westinghouse Research 1946. 31 pages. Illustrated pamphlet. A school service publication. Excellent, unmarked condition.
It is important to know that this document was authored within months of the bombing of Japan and the end of the war in 1945 and the earliest public info about nuclear bombs.
“At 5:30 A.M. on July 16, 1945, the skies over the desert lands of New Mexico were rent by a terrifying ex‑
irp) q6sion. Its dazzling burst of light was brighter than the noonday sun; its heat melted the desert sand and rocks and flowed them together. A great volcano of dust and debris churned from the desert and seethed high into the sky.
“Many miles away, behind a heavy barricade, a group of scientists watched with awe. Their experimental atom bombperhaps the most important single experiment ever attempted by man‑was a success. The key to release the almost limitless power within the atom had been found. Man had entered the age of atomic energy.
“The story of the search for atomic energy. is a fascinating one. It tells of the seeking out of little things, so small we can scarcely conceive of them‑and of huge machines to help in the search. It is a story of simple things like air and oil and fog, and of complicated apparatus like the cyclotron and mass spectrometer. It tells of prying into the innermost secrets of nature; of theories so revolutionary that people scoffed at them; of experiments brilliantly planned and executed; and of discoveries stumbled on accidentally. It is, indeed, a typical tale of science.”

1946 westinghouse electric nuclear