Your Classified Ad Destination for Hutsville area   >   Downtown Area   >   2003   >   Trw TDC1003J multiplier - souvenir of beginning of dsp

Trw TDC1003J multiplier - souvenir of beginning of dsp

This is what you find in unexplored nooks. Just wait 'til we start on the crannies! Here is a brand new, genuine TRW 12*12 bit multiplier chip, complete with heatsink and plastic box. To do what this chip used to do back when it was made in 1977, you would need today almost a microwatt of power and a divide by 100 for your clock.
Purchased at ruinous cost for a product that was obsolete almost before it was designed, we are offering it for a tiny fraction of what the military-industrial complex was paying for them from mighty TRW, and a somewhat larger fraction of what we paid for the commercial temperature range version. Neato!
What you get: ONE (1) TRW TDC1003J 12*12 multiplier chip, in its original plastic box and foam packing.
What you don't get: The other items in the picture. In particular, the multi-page data sheet is unique and precious and possibly the only copy left on the planet. If you actually want to use the chip and need a copy of the data sheet, we'll make a copy for an extra $3.50.
Since the chip is brand new it is almost certainly good, but we have no way of testing it. Sold mostly as a souvenir.

Trw TDC1003J multiplier - souvenir of beginning of dsp